COVID-19 Pandemic

Things to remember while shopping in COVID-19 Pandemic

I am writing this article when half of the country is in lockdown mode, schools, offices, and shopping complexes are closed, but grocery shopping remains a necessity during a pandemic along with the healthcare sector. Most people search google about how to shop safely during COVID-19. The COVID-19 transfers from person to person, unlike foodborne or GI viruses such as hepatitis, making people ill through contaminated food. In India, most grocery stores have modified their operational hours for customers and restocking shelves and sanitizing. Most stores have dedicated time slots for older and young people, whereas we offer pick-up and delivery services for higher-risk professionals such as medical professionals.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind while going grocery shopping during COVID-19-

  1. Make your shopping list in advance. Buying goods for a week or two, unnecessary shopping can create temporary shortages.
  2. Wear a face shield along with a mask while visiting the grocery store. Many stores have issued particular guidelines. Check out the policies of local authorities in your areas before visiting grocery stores.
  3. Carry your bag and sanitizer and clean the handles of the shopping cart before using it. Must ensure to wash your carry bag after each visit.
  4. If a grocery outlet is offering contactless shopping, you should always opt to decrease the spread of the virus. It will not only help you but also help other shoppers and employees of the store.
  5. Avoid visiting retail outlets in groups and making it concise without spending much time in the store. If you are a single mother and your baby is tiny, it is best to go alone during this Pandemic.
  6. If you are not feeling well or a person with heart disease, you should stay at home. Coronavirus is a contagious disease, and for such people, the rate of infection is very high. So, it is better to protect yourself and follow all safety measures.
  7. Take care of social distancing in the store and keep 6 feet between you and employees or other shoppers. Avoid touching your face in the store.
    After returning home from shopping, wash your hands with warm water and hand wash for at least 30 seconds.
  8. No evidence of COVID-19 spread from the food packaging, but still, you can wash the package or keep the box open as an extra precautionary measure.
    Wash fresh fruits and vegetables before eating, including those whose skin can not eat. And if you are eating packaged food, make sure to clean the lid before opening it.
  9. Remember four basic rules of food safety- Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill.

Food is a source to live life for you and your family. But grocery shopping is not the same as it was before COVID-19. These are some guidelines that you should follow to reduce the chances of being infected. 

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